We herewith inform you about the ot-art collection which is highly specialised in selftaught and outsider art. The collection counts more than 2.000 paintings, drawings, graphics, collages and sculptures from the finest quality level. The works are housed in our home.
We built up our collection in a period of 25 years and know (or have known) many of the artists in person. The works of our artists have been successfully presented in exhibitions in China, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia, Switzerland and the United States of America.
In the following we offer you a virtual visit to a limited sample of our collection with the following aims:
2. To get in contact with museums, galleries and other institutions to participate in exhibitions
3. To get in contact with collectors who want to buy or exchange works. Prices on request.
You can choose between "paintings" or "sculptures". If you want to communicate with us choose "contact us".
Alina & Willem Otten